Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Advent Wreath Photo What Is The Signifigance Of The Pink Candle In The Advent Christmas Wreath?

What is the signifigance of the pink candle in the Advent Christmas wreath? - advent wreath photo

The parents of my friend the correction and said:

"The rose represents happiness. It is not lit on the 3rd Sunday harm."

That is what he sent to his mother:

Well, why the pink candle? In the early years of the church season of Lent, the Church alone, seven weeks before Easter. Lent is a time of fasting and prayer in the church commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus. The traditional color of the flags in the church at that time was a deep purple color, the license fees remorse and sorrow means. During Lent, the Church lit seven candles, one for each week of the festive season. However solemn Lenten season history also has a spark of hope and joy since the death of Christ, a forerunner of the resurrection. Therefore, the third Sunday of Lent, the Church has recommended the swift, but for the party. In ancient times, on Sunday, the Pope would honor a citizen to do with a pink rose, and finally the priests wore pink clothing on this day as a reminder of the joy that comes.

When the Christmas season, the universityTed saw the church as a mini-Lent, a time of reflection and penitence (hence the purple), the. So the church has the first four candles in the Lenten season and changed the third candle of Advent in pink in honor of the tradition of Lent. So we have a pink candle on our Advent wreaths.

A feeling of anticipation for the coming of Christ in Advent, the Church has instructed to increase each candle on the wreath - the hope, first, second, peace, joy and love of the third session (there are a number of other traditional names, well, But these are some of the oldest). He always seemed to me appropriate that the pink candle is the light of joy that speaks with a hint of pink.


fashioni... said...

implies only a week before Christmas weeks. and Sunday was Sunday pink candle, cuz it was only a week until today, the start of Christmas week. pink, and hope we are almost there with Jesus on the case.

fashioni... said...

implies only a week before Christmas weeks. and Sunday was Sunday pink candle, cuz it was only a week until today, the start of Christmas week. pink, and hope we are almost there with Jesus on the case.

Babas said...

This is the week of Christmas and Jesus comes

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